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Rat2 Motorsports Blog

Let’s Talk Grounds….

Technique Tim

Some people are willing to go to great lengths to avoid doing anything electrical. When complex projects arise people are more than willing to drop ten thousand dollars on a new engine and drivetrain and are surprised  when they need to touch a wiring harness which was never designed for their custom setup. Go to any car show and have a look under the hood of almost any car. Once you’re done looking at all the pristine valve covers and intake plenums, shift your eyes over to the ratsnest of wires tucked into the fender. With...

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Build it For Yourself

Ian Rattue build

Well, all is at a halt in the shop this week! The Seattle area has been hit with a winter storm which has knocked out shops power... how wonderful! Currently, Rat2 is working on about five projects, all of which are held up by the need for electrical juice. As we wait for this to be repaired, let's go over a few ideas for building a successful build. 

The automotive customizing world is a vicious place. The entire automotive market is vicious actually. We are all judged on what we drive, how it looks and what is says about our personality....

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Theres No Place Like Home, For Your Tools!

Technique Tim

For many of us wrench turners, one of the only other things which comes as close to our hearts as our rides are those wrenches we slave over to make them stay running (or often get running!) We all have a few tools here and there, some have a few more, and some have arguable far too many. The moment you become a tool junkie like my self - obsessing over ratchets, extractors, specialty pullers, drills, or sockets - you find yourself at a loss: "Where the hell do I put all this S&!#!”. This is a quick write up...

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Dropping the 3SGTE and Making it Easy!

Technique Tim

Hello all! The following is taken from an email I sent to a customer who was about to drop his Gen2 3SGTE and do a basic tune up. For those of you who have never heard some of these tips, they will make your life easy and save you a bit of grief. For those of you who fall asleep reading this because it seems so simple and monotonous, it never hurts to be reminded! This applies to not just the 3SGTE, but all MR2 engines, as well as...

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Lets Get Technical...

Technique Tim

Hello everyone and welcome to the first installment of the Rat2 Motorsports Tech Corner. As car enthusiasts and hobbyists, the only thing we love more than our cars is getting the chance to turn them into something special. Whether that's making a unique vehicle which stand out in the crowd, or a perfect example of an original classic, the means to our end always equate to work. Lots of work. Shop work. Painting, grinding, welding, turning bolts, detailing wheels with toothbrushes...the list is as long as the time we spend doing these things. 

Rat2 Motorsports was founded by Toyota enthusiasts...

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